What It Is
o A fun & educational computer game (full description)
o See Screenshots
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o Roadmap
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The purpose of this list is to give a rough idea of the features I plan to add to Storycards over time. It will certainly change over time. Your feedback is welcome.
Update, 9/6/04 - I have decided to stop development of Storycards for the time being. 1.5 will be the final release.
1.0 - Initial release
support for multiple decks of simple cards, and not much else.
1.5 - Bug fixes and minor improvements, such as:
- simple web-based applet version (not all features, yet)
- compression of decks, including images, into single .zip file
- available now
2.0 - 2nd major release
- addition of Cardmaker - a program for making your own decks
- fully functional web-based applet version
- ability to load decks directly from the web
2.5 - Bug fixes and minor improvements, such as:
- saving the currently loaded deck sets
- auto-scale images too large for cards
- (maybe) ability to print stories
3.0 - 3rd major release
- addition of conjunctions (and, but & or)
- addition of other word types, like adjectives
- audible cards - have the story read to you
- ability to e-mail stories to your friends
- (maybe) addition of a MadLibs-like application for Storycards decks